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the ass and the fox,having entered into partnership together for their mutual protection,went out into the forest to hunt.
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and most of all,i will laugh at myself for man is most comical when he takes himself too seriously.never will ifall into this trap of the mind.for though ibe nature's greatest miracle am inot still amere grain tossed about by the winds of time?do itruly know whence icame or whither iam

   bound?will my concern for this day not seem foolish ten years hence?why should ipermit the petty happenings of today to disturb me?what can take place before this sun sets which will not seem insignificant in the river of centuries?他家贫穷,大学是靠自己打零工和卖血的钱念完的。她富有,是城市姑娘,父母是高干,家里有保姆。一次去乡下时,她认不清麦苗和韭菜。他和她初次相见是在场上。她忽然来例假,染红了白群子,却浑然不觉,还在和同学有说有笑,casque beats。他看见后脸红了,脱下自己的上衣让他围在腰间。那一刻,是她一辈子也难忘的。之后是缠缠绵绵的四恋爱,她试图帮他,polo ralph lauren,而他不肯:男人哪会用女孩子帮忙?毕业时,他们本来免不了天各一方,但她死心塌地地跟着他走。家里人反对,几乎与她反目,她却认定这男人是她想要的。她有一只珍贵的玉镯,是母亲给她的。到小城后,看见家徒四壁,她摘下了玉镯。是的,在这样的地方哪里用得着戴玉镯啊!不久,她怀孕了。见她反应厉害,他跑到附近的山上为她摘山杏,polo ralph lauren pas cher,不料一脚踩空,从山上摔了下去。这一摔,几乎摔掉了她和他的未来。她常常这样想:如果他不去摘山杏呢?,

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