

  · How much lower is: 5%

  · Internet is the most useful for discovering new products: False

  · Online retail sales as a percentage of total retail sales

  · Total value of online retail sales for year 2: 56

  · What was the value of total retail sales for Q4 of year 2: 460.79

  · The steepest proportion increase was between Q3 and Q4 of year2: False

  · The only quarter fell compared to Pvious was Q1 of year2:True

  · Pesticide sales by type√

  · Sales of herbicides to the regional market rePsent world market: 40%

  · Insecticides of regional market sales to the agriculture sector: 1.599

  · How much does home sector in the regional market spend on other pesticides: 145

  · The agriculture sector is responsible what fraction of all regional market expenditure on other pesticides:2/3

  · Population changes

  · Population of Indonesia in 2025 if it were to rise by 20% from the 2000 figure: 264

  · What is the Pdicted increase in population of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: 867 million

  · India in 2030 if it were to rise by 10% in each decade: 1423million

  · The Pdicted population drop is proportionally greater for Japan than Russia: True

  · Primary energy fuel consumption

  · Which source of fuel went down over the last 20 years: Coal

  · What was the increase in the percentage of primary energy provided by natural gas over the last 20 years: 16%

  · How much more about coal than electricity last year: 12.5 million

  · How much energy delivered than other than petroleum last year: 162.5

  · Profit & loss profit loss account

  · If gross sales increased at the same rate, with would the Year 3 gross sales be: 46.898

  · The tax rate increased from Year 1 to 2: True

  · How much did DePciation add onto the expenditure on raw and expenses in year2: 4.3%

  · From year 1 to 2, expenditure on raw increased more, in percentage terms, than income from net sales: True

  · Quality index chart

  · If the trend for factory 3 from year 1 to 5 continues, what would be the quality index in year7: 75

  · In which year did the index for all 3 fall compared with Pvious year: No year

  · What percentage did the index in factory 2 increase from year 1 to 5: 20%

  · Factory 1 index showed between year 4 & 5 the same as Year 2 & 3: False

  · Sales breakdown by product group

  · Increase to 150 million, what percentage: 10%

  · The value of sales of building materials and garden equipment for store 2 was less than half of store 5: False

  · The value of sales of household applications for store 2 was higher than store 3: True

  · Total sales ratio of store 2 to store 4: 4:5

  · Sales costs of raw materials

  · Which raw generated the largest profit: Iron Ore

  · Total sales revenue excluding aluminum: 222.8

  · How much profit exPssed as a percentage of sales revenue: 20%

  · What proportion of total sales revenue was generated by silver: 15%

  · Gold accounted for more than half of total sales revenues: True

  · Unit Production Across Plants

  · Plant 3 accounted for total year 1: 39%

  · Plant 1 produced the least units in the first quarter of year2: Not possible to say

  · How many units were produced by plant 2 in the fourth quarter of year1: 32,000

  · Plant 1 decreased in the first 3 quarters of year2 compared with the same in year1: 37.5%

  · Vehicles production

  · In which year were the most vehicles exported: year 3

  · Ration of commercial to passenger in year 5: 1:10

  · Percentage change in commercial in year 5 compared with year 4: 10% decrease

  · What percentage of all vehicles produced in year 1 were exported: 50%

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