

  · How many units were sold by C in Q1: 357

  · Which company accounted for the greatest market share in terms of units sold in Q1: company B

  · Computer games review

  · How much higher was the total revenue for the NCG platform compared to the BGD platform from year 4 onwards: 47?

  · By what percentage did the revenue for the XBX platform drop from Year 1 to Year 2: 70%

  · In percentage terms, which platform showed the largest decrease in annual revenue from Year 3 to Year 4: CBA

  · In percentage terms, PA platform showed a larger decrease in annual revenue from year 1 to year 2 than PD 1 platform: True

  · Customer service calls

  · What percentage regarding payment last year: 25%

  · Asia-Pacific countries increase from last to this year: 300,000

  · What percentage of calls last year was from North America: 18%

  · 1/3 of complaints calls last year were from countries in Europe: not possible to say

  · Employee company statistics

  · According to the graph 455804 people work for companies that employ less than fifty people: True

  · How many percentage of all employees are employed in companies with less than 50 people: 37.9%

  · How many more employees work in companies that employ over 250 than in companies less than 5: 350,000

  · How many employees are employed in companies with less than 250 people: 730,000

  · Employee performance ratings

  · Which department has less than 100 employees: sales

  · How many employees were rated as “good or excellent”: 210

  · 20% of part-time employees were rated as “good or excellent”: Not possible to say

  · What percentage of employees in sales are full time: 75%

  · ExPssions of interest in online financial products or services

  · What percentage of males under 35 exPssed interest in using financialproducts:9%

  · Which group females exPss most interest in online financial: 25-34

  · Ration of males 45-54 to those 18-24: 3:7

  · Import & exports(有问题看一下!!!)

  · In year 2, the value of exports was greater in region 2 than 1: Not possible to say

  · In region 2 in year 5: exports were three times the value of imports: Not possible to say

  · In region 1 the value of import was higher in year 5 than in year 2: True

  · Market research survey

  · TV least useful for receiving detailed product information: False

  · Of four, TV is less likely to influence someone’s decision to purchase: True

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