

  D. 公民的罢免权


  A. 销售货物收入

  B. 提供劳务收入

  C. 授受捐赠收入

  D. 财政拨款


  A? 试用期满后劳动者与用人单位订立的劳动合同方能生效

  B? 不得违反法律、行政法规的规定是订立劳动合同的核心原则

  C? 劳动合同依法订立即具有法律约束力

  D? 劳动合同的签订应坚持既要有利于生产,又要保障基本生活的原则


  A? 警告

  B? 记过

  C? 记大过

  D? 降级


  SECTIONⅢ Reading ComPhension

  (40 minutes)

  Par A


  Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.


  People seldom feel neutral about poetry. Those who love it sometimes give the imPssion that it is an adequate substitution for food, shelter, and love. It isn’t. Words, no matter how satisfying, are never an equivalent for life itself and its human experiences. Those who dislike poetry on principle sometimes claim, on the other hand, that poetry is only words and good for nothing. That’s not true either. It is easy to become frustrated by words------- in poetry or in life----but when words rePsent and recreate and genuine human feelings, as they often do in poetry, they can be very important. Poetry is, in fact, more than just words. It is an experience of words, and those who know how to read poetry can easily extend their experience of life, their sense of what other people are like, their awareness of themselves, and their range of human feelings.

  One reason poetry can be so important is that it is so closely concerned with feelings. Poetry is often full of ideas, too, and sometimes poems can be powerful experiences of the mind, but most poems are primarily about how people feel rather than how people think. Poems provide, in fact, a language for feeling, and one of poetry’s most insistent merits involves its attempt to exPss the inexPssible. How can anyone, for example, put into words what it means to be in love or what it feels like to lose someone one cares about? Poetry tries, and it often captures exactly the shade of emotion that feels just right to a reader. No single poem can be said to exPss all the things that love or death feels like, or means, but one of the joys of experiencing poetry occurs when we read a poem and want to say, “Yes, that is just what it is like; I know exactly what that line means but I’ve never been ab

  le to exPss it so well.” Poetry can be the voice of our feelings even when our minds are speechless with grief or joy.

  46. “People seldom feel neutral about poetry” in the first paragraph means that _____________.

  A. few people think that poetry is neutral

  B. people always differ in their views about poetry

  C. people rarely take a partial opinion about poetry

  D. people generally think of poetry as extremely important or totally useless

  47. The author suggests that ____________________.

  A. poetry tends to make the reader disappointed

  B. poetry makes its readers sentimental

  C. poetry is more important than words

  D. poetry often captures real human feelings

  48. According to the author, poetry ________________.

  A. is more than just words

  B. is the poet’s feelings about words

  C. is anything but patterns of lines

  D. is an experiment on the use of words

  49. Poetry tries, persistently, to exPss _______________.

  A. what love and death mean

  B. what people think about themselves

  C. what people feel but find it hard to describe

  D. how people go through life

  50. This passage is mainly about _____________________.

  A. the structure of poetry

  B. the component of poetry

  C. the nature and importance of poetry

  D. the apPciation of poetry

  Text 2

  Contemporary Western American art has been a very popular and lucrative part of the art marketplace. But unlike some artists who have begun to paint Western subjects Pcisely because there is a ready market for them, the members who makes up the Women Artists of the American West (WAOAW) paint the West because it has always been the primary subject matter for them. For the most part, these women have lived in the American West since birth, and their art is natural outgrowth of the habitat and habits of their daily lives.

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