

  5) SARS对中国经济几乎没有什么影响.如果冬天SARS再度来临,是否还是这样?

  6) 近10年来中国社会有什么变化?

  7) 西部开发正在迅速的进行中,你认为需要首先完成的三件事是什么?为什么?

  8) 谈谈你对中国和北美文化之间差异的认识,你觉得这种差异是在扩大还是



  一, ANNUAL DINNER的安排情况,细节。

  二, 能不能促进员工间的COMMUNICATION?

  三, 今年的EVENT和去年有什么不同?

  Dear Shally,

  I 'm glad to tell you the annual dinner imPssed everyone greatly .XXX was invited as the Pside of our annual activity and he's really humorous. At the annual dinner ,all young colleagues were in a same table ,at first ,we drunk beer, but a few minutes later ,the colleagues who come from north China felt it is better to use white wine instead of beer .

  We then laughed and talked to each other and it's really a good way for communication, because after a year's hard working, it’s a great opportunity for us to relax, to share the experience and to make our future plans.

  The annual dinner this year is different from last year's –the delicious food ,red and white wine, we were singing and dancing together ,everyone is the super star that night, we don't need to wear formally like the working days and we all enjoyed the dinner very much.

  Best wishes!

  Sincerely yours,


  1.写一封信给你的manager, 三个内容:1. Arrangement of a meeting; 2. The reason

  why you are late for the conference; 3. Report the progre



  $i&k+y*O%A;G,lwww.hiall.com.cn 结合题目要求以及差距找出原因,进行分析。要求:条理清晰,有理有据,观点鲜明,不人云亦云。




  2、马来西亚 中国美国和另外一个国家好像是BRUNIL (记不清也不知道是哪个国家 晕) 的交通事故死亡率,#d)x+E!p:d9^其中马来西亚最高 其次中国 其次美国 最后是另外一个国家,-z3B3{8O0^8E;Q$k!V3BHiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛。问为什么各个国家之间存在差别?是不是可以得出结论 在美国开车比在中国安全?/M2C-P e;P&g#v ?#b汽车拥有率对交通事故死亡率的影响




  一,what 's the factor?


  三,根据图表分析中国的real estate market.

  As is shown in the chart, the increasing rate of the three cities' house price remained high during the past 3 years, the factors for this are just as follows:

  1. Local government have an willing to expand cities, national macro-control policies are not simply contain the rise in real estate price in the past.

  2. Bank and other relevant financial institutions provide a great deal of loans to the real estate investors .The continued investment capital promoted the rise of the price.

  3. The consumer does not want a real estate property prices go down, or else their investment damaged.

  Because of the above reasons I think I will not buy a house in Shanghai in 2008,although Chinese government has raised the captital threshold for investing in realestate market.

  We can see from the chart, in order to control the overheating real estate industry. the government carries out the macro-control measures and in this way the government can firmly hold the land and capitals in its hand. Under the influences of the policies the real estate enterprises will extend to other industries to reduce the investment risks.





  N. 怀疑, 猜疑, 嫌疑

  [a suspicion]一些, 稍微

  观念; 可对可错的观念

  lay oneself open to suspicion 使自己遭到嫌疑

  without a suspicion of humor 毫无幽默

  I have a suspicion that she is not telling the truth. 我有点疑心她讲的不是真话。

  l noticed a suspicion of anger in his reply. 我注意到在他的答复中有点愤怒的情绪。


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